The Oracle
JoinedPosts by The Oracle
i just want to rant a little here! upset better then punching a person!
by Snowboarder inwell to tell everyone shortly and simple like rubbish!
the 2 elders that were nice moved out and they were extremely friends and they saw that i had a hard time fitting me.
but the other elders are proud and stuffed up i don't go out of the way as i used to, why should i go out my way to say hello and how are you to someone that does not want to talk to me, they have such dumb reason we are busy with theocratic stuff, ya right like every meeting for the past 2 years i been in the hall you never had a chance.
Richard Dawkins believes in intelligent design?
by slimboyfat inwhat gives?.
Richard Dawkins believes in intelligent design?
by slimboyfat inwhat gives?.
The Oracle
After reading the thread and doing a little research on Richard Dawkins here is my answer:
No. I don't think Richard Dawkins believes in intelligent design as an explanation for how life, as we observe it now, came to be on this planet.
Yet he appears balanced in his thinking to a very high degree.
So much so that he does not summarily dismiss the notion, no matter how fanciful it may sound, that it is indeed possible that there could have been some kind of intelligent meddling in the process. He makes it clear that the intelligent meddlers, or aliens, would they themselves be the product of Darwinian evolution, but from another planet. All rational thoughts. It is clear he chooses not to believe that to be the case himself.
I tend to agree with Dawkins that this is extremely unlikley, but like Dawkins, I cannot summarily dismiss it as "absolutely not possible".
Yet I can weigh the evidence and choose not to believe it, as Dawkins has done. The same way Dawkins chooses not believe in the existance of pink unicorns yet he cannot summarliy dismiss the possibility that somewhere on some remote undiscovered island they could exist.
Peace to all.
The Oracle
May 21, 2011 - The Rapture Cometh!
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inharold camping has promised that the rapture will be on may 21, 2011.. .
they've put it on this van that "the bible guarantees it", so it must be true!.
after all, would this face lie?.
The Oracle
or on the throne....
that could be awkward.
The Oracle
And The Nations Will Fall (The Slave)
by Este indaniel 2:44.
44 in the time of those kings, the god of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people.
it will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.
The Oracle
I nearly peed my pants reading this thread!
Thanks for the laughs.
Life is such a hilarious journey!
The Oracle
What Happens After The Rapture?
by Low-Key Lysmith inso let me get this straight.
when christ makes his return, all faithful christians are just going to disappear snd get whisked away to heaven, right?.
do we have to stay here on the earth with all the earthquakes and the bad economy?
The Oracle
lol... a very big IF, Mr. Flipper...but I do agree... some pant soiling would certainly be in order....
The Oracle
The trouble with Christianity. TRINITY.
by whereami ingotta love pat.. "ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity.
it is the mere abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of jesus.
The Oracle
The Trinity doctrine seems a bit too contrived to me.
I purposely avoided using the word confusing, because I do "get" the concept. However it does seem contrived.
Is that a hangover from my JW background?
The Oracle
JW's don't have a lock on loony prophecies.
by JeffT in
seattle's big blogcovering seattle news, weather, arts and conversation, along with a grab bag of stuff that's just plain interesting dont pet the armadillo unless youre immune to leprosy (science news) | main |.
save the date?
The Oracle
That is priceless!
The insignificance of the JW cult continues to be established when you do research like that. Very funny.
The Oracle
STANDARDS -- Jehovah's Witnesses are honest enough to admit when we were wrong (djeggnog)
by the pharmer inmy finale (?).
although i realize djeggnog was making a generalization in the quote i put in the topic heading, i would hope when we make statements like these, that we would hold ourselves individually to the same standards were promoting.
the evidence that was displayed to me in my easy question thread has proven to be otherwise.. i understand admitting error can be difficult and humblingbeen there, done that (continually).. but i want to make sure that everyone who has read djeggnogs replies to me, is aware that i have given him every opportunity to admit and correct himself where i have shown him to be wrong with facts whether on topic or off topic (and im not talking about opinions and interpretations those are another matter altogether), and that i have given him plenty of opportunity to reconcile his conflicting statements.
The Oracle
Yeah, I agree jgnat.
The WT apologies suck. They really suck.
The Oracle
What was your "aha" moment....
by botchtowersociety in....that made you decide to leave the botchtower society?
The Oracle
Aha. there were several of them.
One was when I was an elder. I was talking with other elders and a district overseer about a specific problem in our congregation.
I realized that God's spirit was not really guiding us. Far from it. We were screwing things up so badly for people, and were really just relying on our own goofy opinions.
The District Overseer was so socially retarded when it came to matters of common sense. I could see so clearly that he was just a kid who grew up on the JW treadmill and because he followed all the rules and did what he was suppose to do - he kept getting "promoted", even though he was really a very low quality person.
I knew then that this could not possibly be God's chosen organization if guys like that were appointed by "holy spirt". I tried to rationalize it...tried to convince myself with the same old reasoning...we are all imperfect...etc etc...but gee whiz...this was too much and too often. AHA!
The Oracle